Monday 12 March 2018

How the actions of an inter professional/interdisciplinary team resulted in improved health outcomes

Quali Health is a private clinic found in Diepsloot, South Africa. It is a township (occupied by  about 140 000 people) that now has well-resourced health care. Even though the consultation fee is quite high at R250 per consultation for many potential patients who earn about R3500 a month, they get access to trained doctors and nurses, safe and clean circumcisions and a variety of tests. It was founded by Nthabiseng Legoete, a doctor who got the idea when she visited India. Quali Health clinic aims to relieve the pressure on the public health care system in South Africa.

Core Competencies
Core competencies are needed in order to achieve effective inter professional collaboration. The 6 core competencies are found in the article shown above. 
  • Number 2 is patient centered care is when patients receive dignity and respect when recieving health care, this is found in the article as Quali Health is a fully equipped state of the art clinic that focuses on the effective/sustainable service business model for the community. 
  • Number 3 is role clarification and this is the understanding and respecting the professions in the group. Legoete started these clinics for people without medical insurance. These clinics are located in rural areas to help people with low incomes to help improve there quality of life.  
  • Number 4 is Team Functioning is comprised of organizational members from different levels of the organizational hierarchy who perform specific organizational functions. All team members have different responsibilities but all work to achieve the same goal and each fulfill their specific role. Everyone is aware of their role and they work well together, which is why Quali health was able to turn a profit in a few short months. 
  • Number 5 is Collaborative Leadership that takes place when a group of leaders from different health professions starts working together, combining their strengths in order to accomplish a set of goals that is health related. According to the article Dr. Ntsabiseng Legoete was not only a doctor , but also an excellent entrepreneur. She identified the need of medical assistance in a particular community and started a clinic that caters for everyone. 
  • And Number 6 is Inter professional conflict resolution happens when healthcare providers work as a team that actively engages in addressing disagreements and responds effectively to all types of conflict. To ensure inter professionalism works there needs to be a safe environment where differing opinions are welcome, validate and acknowledge differing perspectives, communicate positively and constructively and see conflict with the potential for a positive outcome. 

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